Motivating the Documentation of the Verbal Arts: Arguments from Theory and Practice




Fitzgerald, Colleen

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Language Documentation & Conservation



For language documentation to be sufficiently extensive to cover a given community’s language practices (cf. Himmelmann 1998), then including verbal arts is essential to ensure the richness of that comprehensive record. The verbal arts span the creative and artistic uses of a given language by speakers, such as storytelling, songs, puns and poetry. In this paper, I demonstrate the significance of verbal arts documentation in three other ways. Drawing from Indigenous language community contexts in the United States, I describe how the verbal arts are relevant to linguistic theory, revitalization and training. First, the influence by verbal arts on phonological theory is attested, affirming that the collection and analysis of verbal arts data plays a significant role in the phonological analysis of a given language and in theories of phonology. Second, the verbal arts generate extremely useful examples in training models for language work, since such examples can be used to cultivate phonological awareness in learners and teachers. Third, the verbal arts provide culturally meaningful materials for language revitalization.



Linguistics, Language documentation, Language revitalization


National Science Foundation NSF. Grant Number: BCS‐1263939 NSF. Grant Number: BCS‐1263699


Attribution 4.0 International


Colleen M. Fitzgerald. "Motivating the Documentation of the Verbal Arts: Arguments from Theory and Practice," Language Documentation & Conservation, v.11, 2017, p. 114
