Maxwell, GerriHoglund, Celena2022-09-192022-09-192022-08 often bring about educational change (Stewart, 2012). The COVID – 19 pandemic highlighted the need for school systems to further support teachers. Between May and October 2020, the increase in stress and teacher burnout rose from 25 percent to 57 percent, according to a RAND Corporation study (Gewertz, 2021). Previously, few studies have focused on how teacher leadership development aids capacity-building efforts during unexpected events. This study focused on the South Texas region, and more specifically, the Rio Grande Valley as its high concentration of minoritized and low-income students amplified the need to address this region. The themes that emerged from the participants’ responses include leadership identification, adult learning, and crisis leadership.128 pagesen-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International leadershippandemiccapacity-buildingminoritized studentsOn common ground: A study of teacher leadership in the Rio Grande Valley post pandemicText