Robinson, Beth2023-05-112023-05-112023-04-24 3326: W01 U.S. History, Post-1945 Instructor: Dr. Beth Robinson (she/her) Course Description This course examines the rise and disintegration of that postwar order and the legacy it left for the United States and the world as we enter the twenty-first century. We will focus on major events including the Cold War, the social movements of the 1960s and the conservative revival of the 1980s but also trace key trends such as the emergence of the welfare state, changing patterns of gender and sexuality, and the increasing importance of immigration. We will seek not only to recount these developments, but also to understand how they shaped the world in which we now live.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International educational resourceshistoryU.S. historyHIST 3326: W01 U.S. History, post-1945 syllabusLearning Object