Scarince, Collin2023-06-072023-06-074/6/2023 15: Memory Errors – More than Just Forgetting Amnesia We will now consider a profound form of forgetting called amnesia that is distinct from more ordinary forms of forgetting. Most of us have had exposure to the concept of amnesia through popular movies and television. Typically, in these fictionalized portrayals of amnesia, a character suffers some type of blow to the head and suddenly has no idea who they are and can no longer recognize their family or remember any events from their past. After some period of time (or another blow to the head), their memories come flooding back to them. Unfortunately, this portrayal of amnesia is not very accurate. What does amnesia typically look like?en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International educational resourcescognitive psychologymemory errorsamnesia07 Cognitive Psychology: Module 15Book chapter