Benedetti, ChristopherVela, Enrique2024-03-272024-03-272023-12 dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.This quantitative, descriptive, nonexperimental study employed Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI) to investigate the issue of principal turnover within high-poverty schools in Texas. The research question for this study is, "Is there a difference in a principal's feelings of burnout based on their years of experience?" The researcher used a cross-sectional design to collect data from the population sample of all level school principals in Texas with a wide range of experience levels. The Maslach’s Burnout Inventory was administered to survey participants' feelings of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the burnout levels of principals at different stages of their careers. Although the mean scores suggested that some novice principals may experience higher levels of emotional exhaustion, principals with more experience managed to exhibit lesser levels of depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The findings of the one-way ANOVA and Welch ANOVA determined that there was no statistical significance between feelings of burnout and years of experience. These results hold significant implications for educational practices and leadership development programs.113 pagesen-USThis material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used should be fully credited with its source. All rights are reserved and retained regardless of current or future development or laws that may apply to fair use standards. Permission for publication of this material, in part or in full, must be secured with the author and/or publisher.principalsburnoutTexasBurnout among all level principals in TexasText