Examining the effect of self-determined appeal organ donation messages and respective underlying mechanism


This study examined how intrinsic motivation and its respective underlying mechanism influence people’s attitude and intentions of organ donation. The findings revealed the importance of meeting people’s customized psychological needs. For the general population, especially non-organ donors, autonomous appeal message will be more effective in promoting their intention of becoming an organ donor. For registered organ donors, competence-based organ donation messages are more effective in increasing their promotion and seeking behavior of organ donation. This study also discovered underlying mechanisms of intrinsic motivation, such as self-integrity, pride, and sympathy. Pairing underlying mechanism with competence-based messages can maximize the message impact.



organ donation, self-determination theory, self-integrity, sympathy, pride


This study was funded by TAMUCC SAMC FTSCA Award.


Attribution 4.0 International


Kong, S. (2022). Examining the Effect of Self-Determined Appeal Organ Donation Messages and Respective Underlying Mechanism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10619. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710619