Education: Issues & answers




Garrett, Sherrye Dee
Fleming, Kathleen
Mejia, Alissa
Beach, Don
McAdams, Laurie
Becker, Melissa
Gentry, James
Larmer, Bill
Miller, Julie


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CEDER, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi



This yearbook is a project of the Consortium for Educational Development, Evaluation and Research (CEDER) in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The College of Education and Human Development reflects a wide range of programs and experiences. Our teacher preparation program has an established reputation; it has been cited as 24th in the nation. Our masters and doctoral programs attract in-service teachers, administrators, and future college faculty members. In a traditional College of Education, one expects to find areas of instruction such as teacher education, literacy, curriculum and instruction, educational administration and leadership, educational technology, special education, and bilingual education. You will find those areas represented in this yearbook. However, the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi has a broader reach; it also houses programs in counseling education, kinesiology, and military services. Many of these are represented in the yearbook as well. With such a wide range, it is to be expected that the CEDER Yearbook would attract a variety of topics. This yearbook is no exception. Articles address preservice education, literacy instruction in the schools, and program effectiveness as well as research in digital technology and the physics of pitching a baseball. A call for proposals was issued to a variety of universities and professional organizations. Eighteen articles from a total of 37 authors were submitted for the yearbook. Those articles were distributed to a panel of reviewers. Each article was seen by two reviewers and the editor of the yearbook. Finally, 15 articles were selected for inclusion in this yearbook. The CEDER yearbooks and conferences continue to be opportunities for the sharing of important educational ideas, research, and trends. This yearbook continues that tradition.


Copyright © 2015 Consortium for Educational Development, Evaluation, and Research; Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi College of Education and Human Development


education, public school, higher education, university



