Creative arts in group supervision of counselors-in-training




Power, Lauren Shows


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The purpose of the current study was to examine the use of creative arts in group supervision and its perceived effects on case conceptualization and counselor development from the counselor-in-training's perspective. Research questions guiding this study included: How do counselors-in-training (CITs) perceive the experience of participating in group supervision utilizing creative arts methods? How do CITs perceive the impact of group supervision that utilizes creative arts methods? How do CITs perceive the impact of group supervision utilizing creative arts methods on case conceptualization with current clients? How do CITs perceive the impact of group supervision utilizing creative arts methods on their development as counselors? Participants included five Master's level CITs completing internships at a Counseling and Training Clinic (CTC) on the campus of a university in the southwestern region of the United States. These CITs were gaining clinical experience, as a part of the requirement, in counseling and were providing services to clients with various concerns. Eight themes emerged: (1) positive experience, (2) balance with traditional supervision, (3) creating an environment, (4) engaging in a creative process, (5) perceptions of impact, (6) awareness, (7) importance of the group, and (8) techniques. The first theme, positive experience, includes a sub-theme, relaxation. The sixth theme, awareness, encapsulates both awareness of themselves and awareness of clients. The theme entitled engaging in a creative process includes authentic self and being present as subthemes. Implication for practice and recommendations for future research are provided. Creative arts can be used in group supervision to help CITs get past rigidity, pressure to be right, and insecurity about being themselves. Further investigation of the internal creative process experienced and the sense of safety expressed by counselors-in-training using creative arts in group supervision is needed to further support and expand these findings.


A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education


counselor training, creative arts, group supervision



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